onlinebingobonus| The reason why A-share brokerages are good and smashed the market has been found!

editor2024-05-16 21:03:2957

according to yesterdayonlinebingobonusanalysisonlinebingobonus, when securities firms performed low expectations, there was indeed a phenomenon of selling on good occasions. Although the brokerage sector should have benefited from the good news, institutions chose to smash the shipment. The logic behind this behavior is that the institution feels that the transaction may lose money, so it quickly ships at a reduced cost. From an institutional perspective, they were as optimistic as we were about brokers in late April, but due to low market performance expectations, brokers also fell sharply. In addition, there are also multi-dimensional thinking in the broader market, such as the current chaos of hot spots and comparison with Hong Kong stocks and other factors that need to be considered. In investment, it is important to build correct investment thinking, rationally respond to low expected market performance, reduce total positions and pay attention to risk aversion. When selecting individual stocks, pay attention to the trend of stocks and avoid blind operations. For investment in technology, we need to think about it in the light of the broader market. Especially when Hong Kong stocks fall, individual stocks are likely to have better buying points. Therefore, when investing, you must keep a clear head, not be influenced by market emotions, and remain rational and calm.

onlinebingobonus| The reason why A-share brokerages are good and smashed the market has been found!

Stock name Guolian Securities sector name brokerage concept keywords institutional perspective, brokerage performance, and market performance fell sharply, within expectations! Risk warning for Hexun's self-selected stock writers: The above content is only the author's or guest's opinion, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers when necessary. Hexun strives but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun makes no guarantee or commitment in this regard.