realbaccarat| Jinhong Gas signed a gas supply contract with an estimated contract value of approximately 1.86 billion yuan

editor2024-05-23 07:47:2066

Recently, Jinhong Gas announced that it signed a "gas supply contract" with Shandong Ruilin Polymer Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shandong Ruilin") to supply industrial gas products-oxygen and nitrogen-through the construction of a new 23000Nm3/h air separation plant and its ancillary facilities. According to the estimate, the contract amount is about RMB 18.Realbaccarat60 million yuan.

Zhan Junhao, founder of Fujian Huatze brand positioning consulting, said in an interview with the Securities Daily: "the signing of this contract is of great significance to the long-term development of Jinhong Gas. The contract size accounts for about 70% of Jinhong Gas's annual revenue in 2023, highlighting the company's market competitiveness in the field of industrial gas supply and its ability to obtain large orders, helping to consolidate its industry position. "

Have a positive impact on performance

Jinhong Gas said: "if this supply contract is successfully implemented, it will have a positive impact on the company's future operating performance, help to enhance the company's sustainable profitability and core competitiveness, and can bring useful help to the coordination between existing businesses."

According to reports, Shandong Ruilin was founded in 2012, the company is located in Zibo City, Shandong Province, is engaged in chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing enterprises. There is no relationship between Jinhong Gas and the company's holding subsidiary and Shandong Ruilin.

According to the relevant terms of the contract, Jinhong Gas needs to build a new air separation unit and its ancillary facilities, and it will be put into production and supply no more than 18 months after the formal start of the project. Jinhong Gas said: "there is no impact on the company's current performance."

Zhan Junhao said: "through the new air separation plant and its ancillary facilities, Jinhong Gas can further expand its production capacity and improve its market supply capacity, laying the foundation for more similar large-scale projects in the future. In addition, it also helps to optimize the company's customer structure, strengthen cooperation with important customers, and lay the foundation for achieving long-term and stable earnings. "

The prospect of special gas is optimistic.

As one of the important raw materials in the high-tech field, special gases are widely used in many high-tech industries, such as semiconductors, LED, optical fiber communications, photovoltaic energy, medical and health and so on.

Founded in 1999, Jinhong Gas is an environment-friendly and intensive integrated gas service provider specializing in integrated solutions for gas research, production, sales and service.

In 2023, by improving the comprehensive service capabilities of users in integrated circuits, photovoltaic and other industries, the revenue of Jinhong gas special gas business increased by 46.5% compared with the same period last year, accounting for 46.34% of the main business income from 39.23%.

realbaccarat| Jinhong Gas signed a gas supply contract with an estimated contract value of approximately 1.86 billion yuan

Judging from the financial data in recent years, the performance of Jinhong Gas continues to grow steadily. From 2021 to 2023, the company achieved revenue of 1.741 billion yuan, 1.967 billion yuan and 2.427 billion yuan respectively.RealbaccaratThe net profits attributed to the shareholders of the listed company are 167 million yuan, 229 million yuan and 315 million yuan respectively.

Zhang Xinyuan, head of research at the think tank, told Securities Daily: "judging from the financial data of Jinhong Gas in 2023, the special gas business has a strong momentum of development. In recent years, the company continues to strengthen research and development and production in the field of special gases, improve the quality and competitiveness of products, and lay a solid foundation for future development. With the continuous expansion of the industrial gas market and the increasing demand for special gases, the development prospect of the special gas industry is very broad, and the company is expected to continue to benefit. "

According to Frost Sullivan, the global industrial gas market will expand from about $134.8 billion in 2020 to about $175.5 billion in 2025.

"the development prospect of special gases is still optimistic." "with the continuous breakthroughs in technology and the expansion of emerging applications, such as 5G communications, the Internet of things, artificial intelligence and so on, the demand for special gases is likely to surge," Zhan Junhao said. "

In the first quarter of 2024, Jinhong Gas realized revenue of 589 million yuan and net profit of 76.4826 million yuan belonging to shareholders of listed companies, up 13.74% and 26.68% respectively over the same period last year.

Talking about this year's performance, in a recent institutional survey, Jin Hong Gas said: "this year, there will be projects completed and put into production to achieve capacity increment; electronic bulk carrier gas and all kinds of on-site gas production projects will be put into operation, which will produce a stable increase. In addition, the company still has room for growth in international trade in 2024. "

Looking to the future, Jin Xianghua, chairman of Jinhong Gas, told reporters at the recent performance presentation: "in the future, the company plans to continue to deepen its export cooperation with the co-building 'Belt and Road Initiative' countries and constantly expand its business scope." further strengthen its influence in the global market. "