mandarinsbingo| Zhang Wei: China's pharmaceutical industry is transitioning from the era of generic drug management to the era of innovation

editor2024-05-24 13:52:2448

Topic: Global Industrial Development Forum 2024

The Global Industrial Development Forum 2024 will be held from May 23 to 24, with the theme of new productivity leading industrial transformation and upgrading. Zhang Wei, president of the China Drug Administration Research Association, attended and delivered a speech.

Zhang Wei said that Chinese medicine has seized a good opportunity for development and benefited from the guidance of macro policies and the joint efforts of the industry and scientific communities.

He pointed out that China's pharmaceutical industry is transitioning and developing from the era of generic drug management to the era of innovation. Although the number of drug document numbers on the market has been reduced from 180,000 to about 150,000, the homogenization phenomenon is still serious, and only one-third of the products are actually sold on the market.

He emphasized the importance of the reform of circulation enterprises and mentioned: "NowmandarinsbingoWe also hope that the most important focus of the reform of the three medical services will be the reform of circulation enterprises." Zhang Wei believes that with the development of third-party logistics, the pharmaceutical industry no longer needs so many wholesale companies. At the same time, he also hopes that pharmaceutical representatives will change their roles and even enter the community to truly improve the level of pharmaceutical services.

When talking about the future development of China's pharmaceutical industry, Zhang Wei summarized several expectations, including "feasible policies","reliable quality","controllable risks" and "promising returns". He emphasized that policies need to form synergy to promote the development of the industry. He quoted him as saying: "It is precisely because of the lack of synergy that our policies have not formed a complete synergy to promote the development and progress of the industry."

Zhang Wei also emphasized the importance of high-quality development. He believed that we should not just stop at slogans, but should pay attention to the integration of the R & D chain, capital chain, and talent chain, as well as the safety and stability of the supply chain. He proposed: "The supply chain now emphasizes both supply and demand. How to combine supply and demand."

mandarinsbingo| Zhang Wei: China's pharmaceutical industry is transitioning from the era of generic drug management to the era of innovation

Finally, Zhang Wei put forward his views on R & D evaluation indicators, emphasizing the importance of factors such as the number of products under research, the number and quality of R & D personnel, and R & D investment. He hopes that the country can continue to increase investment in R & D, and hopes that companies can continue to carry out R & D activities.

Sina statement: All meeting minutes are compiled in shorthand on the spot and have not been reviewed by the speaker. Sina posted this article for the purpose of conveying more information and does not mean that they agree with their views or confirm their descriptions.