paybyphonecasino| India's export policy is unclear: global high yields are topping, domestic sugar prices are supported

editor2024-05-13 14:03:3045

Newsletter summary

The shock of domestic raw sugar contract is too strong this week.PaybyphonecasinoThe international market remained volatile. Global high yields confirm that India's export policy is unclear, Brazil's new crushing season is expected to be high, and sugar prices are under pressure. Domestic production and sales data improved, market sentiment eased, and low imports supported sugar prices.

Text of news flash

[domestic September contract shock is strong, international raw sugar maintains shock trend] this week, domestic September contract showed strong shock.PaybyphonecasinoAt the same time, the international raw sugar market has maintained a volatile pattern.

paybyphonecasino| India's export policy is unclear: global high yields are topping, domestic sugar prices are supported

At the level of the international market, it is an indisputable fact that the global raw sugar production is rich, and this phenomenon has obviously suppressed the sugar price. Further, India's export policy remains uncertain, adding uncertainty to the market. In addition, Brazil's new crushing season is expected to be large, which may further aggravate the downward pressure on sugar prices. It can not be ignored that the problem of blocking the port is also further aggravating, bringing new challenges to the raw sugar market.

Turning to the domestic market, the production and sales data at the end of April showed a marked increase, and the production and sales rate has rebounded to the same level as in the same period last year. This positive change has eased the pessimism in the market. In addition, the recent trend of low domestic imports has also provided some support for the stability of sugar prices.