eldenringps5crash| Indonesian senior official revealed that Musk will consider investing in building an electric vehicle battery factory

editor2024-05-22 09:02:4247

[TechWeb] News on May 21, according to foreign media reports, news that Tesla has invested and built a factory in Indonesia has appeared many times before. In May 2022, it was reported that Tesla had agreed to invest in the construction of electric vehicles and batteries. The factory will enter that year, but so far, Tesla has not announced investment and built a factory in Indonesia.

Although Tesla's investment and factory in Indonesia has not yet been confirmed, the rumors have not ended. Recently, there has been another news that Musk will consider Tesla investing and factory in Indonesia.

Foreign media quoted information disclosed by senior Indonesian officials as saying thateldenringps5crashWhen they met with Musk, they made a proposal and asked if it was possible to build an electric vehicle battery factory in Indonesia, and revealed that Musk would considereldenringps5crashTheir proposal.

eldenringps5crash| Indonesian senior official revealed that Musk will consider investing in building an electric vehicle battery factory

In addition to proposing the construction of an electric vehicle battery factory, foreign media said that senior Indonesian officials also revealed that during their meeting with Musk, they also proposed whether to consider investing in the construction of an artificial intelligence center.

But whether Tesla will eventually invest in building an electric vehicle battery factory or artificial intelligence center in Indonesia will not be announced until they officially announce it.

In terms of developing electric vehicle batteries, Indonesia has the advantage of rich nickel ore resources, and they have become an important investment destination for major battery and automobile manufacturers. Many manufacturers choose to purchase nickel products from Indonesia. With the increase in demand for electric vehicles, the demand for batteries has increased significantly. Indonesia is also vigorously developing the nickel processing industry. In January 2020, they banned the export of nickel raw ore. (Hailan)