bestcryptogamesformobile| A 29-year-old man died of diabetes, and doctors called on these breakfasts not to be greedy

editor2024-05-22 10:43:0545

A 29-year-old game anchor Li Ming (pseudonym) unfortunately passed away due to serious complications caused by diabetes after ineffective rescue. Li Ming's lifestyle is characterized by staying at home, frequent live broadcasts and relying on takeout. His weight reachesbestcryptogamesformobileMore than 180 kilograms. After a meal, he suddenly developed severe vomiting symptoms and could not stand steadily. After being rushed to the hospital, he found that his blood sugar level increased abnormally to 90mmol/L, accompanied by liver and kidney failure, hyperkalemia, and high white blood cells. Symptoms were diagnosed with ketoacidosis.

As a common chronic disease in modern times, diabetes is showing a trend of rejuvenation. Studies have shown that the earlier diabetes is diagnosed, the shorter a patient's life expectancy. Given the close relationship between diabetes and eating habits, doctors have called on the public to pay extra attention to breakfast choices and avoid eating foods that may cause elevated blood sugar. Unhealthy eating habits, such as frequent consumption of takeout foods that are high in sugar and fat, may increase the risk of developing diabetes and other related diseases.

People with diabetes need to be extra careful in their dietary choices, especially breakfast, because the food consumed at breakfast directly affects blood sugar levels. The following are three types of breakfast foods that may quickly increase blood sugar. It is recommended that people with diabetes and health-conscious people reduce their intake.

fried foodsbestcryptogamesformobile: Fried foods such as fried dough sticks and oil cakes contain a large amount of oil, which may produce harmful substances such as acrylamide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during high-temperature frying. Long-term consumption of such foods not only leads to obesity, but may also increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

bestcryptogamesformobile| A 29-year-old man died of diabetes, and doctors called on these breakfasts not to be greedy

Desserts: Desserts such as bread, biscuits, and sweet porridge contain high amounts of carbohydrates, but usually lack protein and dietary fiber. These foods can easily cause increased blood sugar and insulin levels, increase the burden on the pancreas, and are detrimental to health.

Instant food: In order to ensure the taste, instant food is often added with a large amount of sugar and maltodextrin, which may cause blood sugar to rise quickly after eating. In addition, these foods do not feel full and can easily lead to excessive consumption.

Research has also shown that the choice of breakfast time has an impact on diabetes risk. Research published in the International Journal of Epidemiology shows that people who eat breakfast after 8 o'clock have a 59% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with people who eat breakfast before 8 o'clock. Therefore, it is recommended to eat breakfast between 7 and 8 a.m., which helps control postprandial blood sugar and keeps a 4 to 5 hour interval from lunch.

Li Ming's tragedy reminds us that we should pay attention to the cultivation of healthy lifestyles, reasonably adjust the diet structure, and reduce dependence on unhealthy foods to reduce the risk of disease. At the same time, regular physical examinations and timely detection and management of health indicators such as blood sugar are of great significance for the prevention of diabetes and its complications.