crashtitansps4| Popularize deposit insurance knowledge in multiple scenarios Industrial Bank Hangzhou Branch practices finance for the people

editor2024-05-22 19:42:3845

In order to further promote the popularization of deposit insurance knowledge and strive to enhance the public's understanding and understanding of the deposit insurance system, in May, Industrial Bank Hangzhou Branch actively launched a deposit insurance theme publicity campaign "Deposit insurance for the people, depositors rest assured" to continuously expand deposits Insurance publicity coverage, effectively enhance the public's financial knowledge reserve and risk prevention awareness.

In order to ensure the reasonable and orderly development of deposit insurance publicity activities, Industrial Bank (601166) Hangzhou Branch launchedcrashtitansps4Conducted deposit insurance publicity and training for front-line employees, in-depth study of deposit insurance system, deposit insurance identification, deposit insurance knowledge and other related knowledge, and planned and arranged publicity work, self-inspection work, deposit insurance one-code pass distribution work, deposit insurance publicity and demonstration community creation Work, etc. Each branch under its jurisdiction uses morning meetings, weekly meetings, new employee training meetings, and hosting regular accounting meetings to strengthen internal employee training to ensure that deposit insurance publicity is implemented.

Relying on the outlet positions to establish a regular publicity mechanism, place deposit insurance promotional leaflets in the public education areas of the halls within the jurisdiction, and continuously issue deposit insurance leaflets at the cash counters to ensure that deposit insurance knowledge is "visible". At the same time, in order to ensure that deposit insurance knowledge is "understandable", we carry out "face-to-face" publicity to customers who come to the outlet to handle business, and use the gap between business processing to carefully explain the basic knowledge of deposit insurance, such as the concept, scope of protection, and repayment limits. Further consolidate the effectiveness of publicity at outlets and strengthen risk education for depositors.

Build a publicity platform and extend the breadth of publicity. During the event, the bank used network resources to give full play to the advantages of community branches, and focused daily deposit insurance publicity on key areas and groups such as enterprises, communities, schools, and rural areas. Enter the campus to open small financial classes, enter enterprises and units to popularize knowledge about the deposit system, answer questions on site, and send knowledge to Muyang and Dongsheng communities to remind residents to protect personal information and financial security.

crashtitansps4| Popularize deposit insurance knowledge in multiple scenarios Industrial Bank Hangzhou Branch practices finance for the people

This publicity campaign will effectively improvecrashtitansps4Improve public awareness of deposit insurance. Next, Industrial Bank Hangzhou Branch will carry out deposit insurance publicity activities on a regular basis to enhance the public's sense of deposit security and create a stable and harmonious financial environment.

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