theninjawarriors| What do the outer and inner markets of stocks mean: The concepts of outer and inner markets in stock trading

editor2024-05-27 11:03:4248

in stock tradingtheninjawarriorsInvestors often hear the terms "external market" and "internal market". They are critical to understanding market dynamics and help investors make smarter trading decisions. Let's take a deeper look at these two concepts and explore their significance and application in the stock market.

What is an outer disktheninjawarriors

Outside trading usually refers to an active buying behavior. When a trader wants to buy a stock and is willing to pay the highest selling price in the current market to close the deal immediately, this constitutes an open market. This behavior reflects buyers 'urgent need for stocks and may drive stock prices higher.

Impact of external disk:

The increase in external activity may indicate strong demand for the stock. Investors can have a basic judgment on market sentiment by observing the number of external markets. When most investors choose to actively buy, stocks may rise due to this positive demand.

What is internal disk?

Inner market, as opposed to outer market, refers to the behavior of actively selling. When a trader wants to sell a stock and accept the lowest bid price in the current market to close the deal immediately, this constitutes an inbid. This usually indicates that the seller is eager to get rid of the stock and is willing to sell it at a lower price.

theninjawarriors| What do the outer and inner markets of stocks mean: The concepts of outer and inner markets in stock trading

Impact of internal market:

An increase in intramarket prices usually indicates an increase in the market's supply of the stock and may imply investors 'pessimism about the stock's future performance. When most investors choose to actively sell, stock prices may fall due to oversupply.

Comparison between outer and inner plates:

Characteristics Outside and Inside Definition proactive buying proactive selling price impact may push up stock price may lower stock price Market sentiment is positive and negative

How to use external and internal disk information:

Investors can judge the market's overall view of a stock by analyzing the number of external and internal markets. If there are significantly more external markets than internal markets, this may indicate strong buyer power and the stock price may rise. On the contrary, if there are more inner markets than outer markets, it may mean that there is greater selling pressure in the market and the stock price may fall.


Understanding the concepts of outer and inner markets is important for investors because they can help investors understand market dynamics and predict price trends. By monitoring the number and ratio of outer and inner markets, investors can better formulate their own trading strategies and seize investment opportunities.