pocketrocketspoker| Four departments including the Central Cyberspace Administration issued the "Key Points for Digital Rural Development in 2024"

editor2024-05-15 23:03:3262

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[central Internet Information Office and other four departments issued "key points of work on Digital Rural Development in 2024") Securities Times e Company News, recently, the Central Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and villages, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "key points of work on Digital Rural Development in 2024." "work.Pocketrocketspoker...

pocketrocketspoker| Four departments including the Central Cyberspace Administration issued the "Key Points for Digital Rural Development in 2024"

Text of news flash

[central Internet Information Office and other four departments issued "key points of work on Digital Rural Development in 2024") Securities Times e Company News, recently, the Central Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and villages, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "key points of work on Digital Rural Development in 2024." The main points of work are clear.PocketrocketspokerThe goal is to make substantial progress in the construction of digital countryside by the end of 2024. Digital technology will ensure national food security and consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation. The number of broadband access users in rural areas exceeded 200 million, the Internet penetration rate in rural areas increased by 2 percentage points, the online retail sales of agricultural products exceeded 630 billion yuan, the information rate of agricultural production further increased, and a group of practical talents who not only understand agriculture and rural areas, but also understand digital technology, create a number of exemplary and widely driven digital application scenarios, and do a good job in a number of practical things that are online and offline and accessible to the masses.